Twelve years of vanilla Minecraft?!
Quote2024-02-13T03:33:23,143 INFO [server0]: tevapharm joined the game
2024-02-13T03:33:23,146 INFO [server0]: tevapharm[/] logged in with entity id 287549 at ([3decibels-1.19]107.5, 66.0, 347.5)
2024-02-13T03:33:53,160 INFO [server0]: tevapharm has made the advancement [Diamonds!]
2024-02-13T03:33:53,403 INFO [server0]: tevapharm has made the advancement [Acquire Hardware]
2024-02-13T03:34:30,419 INFO [server0]: tevapharm has made the advancement [Stone Age]
2024-02-13T03:34:31,701 INFO [server0]: tevapharm has made the advancement [Ice Bucket Challenge]
2024-02-13T03:36:06,955 INFO [server0]: tevapharm has made the advancement [We Need to Go Deeper]
2024-02-13T03:39:23,235 INFO [server0]: tevapharm has made the advancement [Hot Stuff]
2024-02-13T03:54:37,835 INFO [server0]: tevapharm lost connection: Disconnected
2024-02-13T03:54:37,858 INFO [server0]: tevapharm left the game